GMAT Ninja Tutoring & Consulting rates
Tutoring or MBA admissions consulting with Charles Bibilos | $420/hour |
Tutoring or MBA admissions consulting with any other coach | $320/hour |
Mental performance training with Erika Osherow | $320/hour |
Mindfulness training with Dr. Jenny Forman | $320/hour |
Test Anxiety + Tutoring Program | $7,900 |
All tutoring sessions are two hours long; exceptions can be made only in rare cases. Mental performance training and mindfulness training sessions are generally one hour long. Please note that the rates above are per hour, and not per session.
Our sleep coach, fitness coach, and nutrition coach offer different packages and rates depending on your needs. Contact us anytime, and we’ll connect you with the coach of your choice.
Payment Policies
All of our services are pay-as-you go, other than our Test Anxiety + Tutoring Package. For hourly tutoring, admissions consulting, and performance coaching, you’ll pay in advance for the first session only. After that, all payments are processed via our secure autopay system after each tutoring or coaching session.
We accept all major credit and debit cards, as well as ACH transfers from U.S.-based banks. A 3.5% surcharge is automatically applied to all credit card payments; ACH and debit card transactions are surcharge-free.
Rates are subject to change in response to market demand. However, we won’t raise rates on you after you start working with us. If you begin tutoring or admissions consulting when rates are lower, then the same rate applies for the duration of your studies — even if the rate goes up for new students.
Tutoring and Performance Coaching Policies
If you have a specific budget, please let us know BEFORE you start — that way, we can be sure to use our time together as effectively as possible.
We don’t formally require a minimum number of sessions, but it generally works best to meet with your tutor weekly. And if you’re looking for a significant score improvement, it’s very unlikely that we‘ll be able to produce some sort of magic — especially on the GMAT, GRE, or EA — in just one or two sessions. For more on this, please read our FAQ.
Test Anxiety Package Payment Policies
- Payment for the Test Anxiety package is due in full through our payment systems before you begin the program.
- The package includes all of the tutoring (with any tutor EXCEPT Charles Bibilos), assessments, and consultations described on our Test Anxiety + Tutoring Program page. With rare exceptions, tutoring sessions will be scheduled once each week.
- If you need additional sessions with your tutor or with one of the performance experts, you’ll be charged the usual hourly rate.
Cancellation Policy (applies to all services)
Here’s where we have to be a little bit mean. We make our living by selling our time in two-hour increments. If you book a tutoring, performance coaching, or admissions consulting session and then cancel at the last minute, it really, really sucks for us.
If you cancel less than 48 hours before a session (or don’t show up at all), we ask that you pay for your session, since it’s generally too late to offer that slot to other students. If you’re the victim of an unexpected and terrible act of nature (blizzards, fires, internet outages, etc.), we’ll understand.
Otherwise, please be respectful, and either A) show up to your tutoring or coaching appointment, or B) give us plenty of warning if you need to reschedule, or C) pay for our time if you don’t do either of the above. Cool?
One last thing: it pains us to say this, but if you don’t do enough homework in a given week, that’s not a good reason to cancel your tutoring or admissions consulting session. You’re going to be much happier with your progress if you keep moving forward every week, no matter what. So please do your homework — and if you don’t for some reason, please keep coming to your sessions so that we can do everything humanly possible to keep you on track.
Scheduling & Punctuality (applies to all services)
Please arrive on time.
Please, please, PLEASE arrive on time.
If you’re late, your tutoring or coaching session will still end at the scheduled time… so unfortunately, it’s your loss if you’re late. Sorry, we have to be a little bit mean about this.
Further Questions?
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected], or check out our tutoring FAQ page for more.
Ready to get started? Contact us!
Or, learn more about our services here: