FREE Grad School Exam Prep Videos | GMAT Ninja

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Free Test Prep and MBA Admissions Videos

Do you want to improve your score on the GMAT, GRE, or EA? Or do you want to learn how to craft an amazing MBA application? 

If so, we’ve created complete, free video courses for all three of the tests we teach (GMAT, GRE, and EA), as well as a comprehensive MBA admissions course. We also offer plenty of other useful videos that don’t fit neatly into our complete prep courses.

There are no gimmicks here, and we’re not holding back any “secret sauce” for our paid tutoring students. We’re passionate about helping test-takers who might not be able to afford our paid services, and our test-prep and admissions videos are our honest attempt to replicate our tutoring via YouTube.

If you love the videos, please help us out by hitting the “like” button, subscribing to our channels, or – if we’ve saved you money that you otherwise would have spent on a course or tutoring – supporting a charity that you (or we) love.

And if there’s anything else you’d like to see us address in future videos, please leave a comment on YouTube – I promise that we read all of them, even if we can’t respond to every single one personally.

Free, complete GMAT, GRE, & EA prep courses

Ready to start watching free, complete prep courses for the GRE, GMAT, or EA? Here you go:

Comprehensive MBA admissions course

During our decades as GMAT and GRE tutors, we’ve learned more than a few things about MBA admissions, and we’ve offered MBA admissions consulting services since 2008. For years, we’ve also partnered with other admissions consultants that we trust, and we’ve invited some of our favorites onto our YouTube channel.

Our MBA admissions video course is provided in the same spirit as our free GMAT, GRE, and EA courses: we’re doing our very best to provide all of the foundational knowledge you’ll need to succeed in the admissions process, and we provide brutally honest insights into how admissions REALLY works – even if those insights aren’t exactly what you want to hear.

Test Performance & Anxiety videos

Over the years, we’ve realized that test-day execution is the biggest source of pain for many test-takers – not weaknesses with the content of the exam. 

With that in mind, we’ve compiled a playlist of videos to help you overcome test-day jitters, or simply to help you optimize your test-day performance, even if you don’t feel nervous at all:

Additional GMAT, GRE, & EA videos

Are you looking for additional help with the GMAT, GRE, and EA, and want to dive into broader topics on these exams? If so, here’s our full collection of video content, including videos that don’t fit neatly into our free, complete courses:

Want more than just videos?

If videos aren’t your cup of tea, we’ve also produced a pile of brutally honest articles. Or if you’d like one-on-one help with your exam prep or graduate school applications, we have you covered: