If you’re reading this, congratulations! You’re about to start GMAT tutoring. (If you’re studying for the GRE, please visit this page instead.)

Before you get started, please do the following:

1. Make sure you’re comfortable with EVERYTHING on our rates and policies page

We don’t want to spring any unpleasant surprises, so please read EVERYTHING in our not-very-exciting rates and policies page, especially the parts about the cancelation policy, our two-hour session length, and the payment methods. Please note that autopay is required for all tutoring and admissions consulting services.

If you have objections or concerns, please let your tutor know immediately.

2. Purchase these books

Unless your tutor has told you otherwise, you’ll need all of the following:

  1. The Official LSAT® SuperPrep (which you’ll need right away for your CR and RC diagnostics; click here for more on why we use the LSAT® for GMAT studies)

  2. The Next 10 Actual, Official LSAT® PrepTests. If you can’t find that particular LSAT® book in your area, this one or this one would work, too.

  3. GMAT Official Guide bundle (link is to the 2024-25 books, which are aligned with the GMAT Focus Edition; check with your tutor if you prefer to use an older edition)

  4. (optional) GMAT simulation pad with marker, similar to the one you’ll use in a GMAT test center. If you’re planning to take the GMAT online, you might want to buy a whiteboard that fits the requirements for the online GMAT exam, such as this one.

In some cases, your tutor may ask you to purchase additional materials. If that’s the case, he or she will let you know before you visit this page. Also, please don’t write in the books at all, since you can’t write on the screen during your GMAT exam.

3. Do this CR & RC diagnostic assignment

  • Do the sections 1, 2, & 4 beginning on pages 68, 76, and 88 of The Official LSAT® SuperPrep. (Please do NOT do section 3.) 

  • Time each section (roughly 25 questions each), but don’t rush through. Treat them like actual tests, but please ignore the ridiculous 35-minute limit on the LSAT®.

  • When you’re finished, please do NOT review or redo your errors at all — just send us a list of the questions you missed, along with your times for each set, and that’s it. We’ll use your errors as a jumping-off point for our first session, so it’s best if you don’t remember them if at all possible. 

4. Complete additional diagnostics, if assigned by your tutor

In some cases, your tutor may ask you to complete additional quant diagnostics – if that’s the case, she or he will let you know.

5. Be prepared for ~15 hours per week of homework + weekly tutoring

Tutoring is great, but the real improvements will happen through hard work between sessions. We expect our students to complete roughly 15 hours of homework per week (2 hours per weekday and 3-4 hours per weekend day), with tutoring sessions roughly once per week. 

If you aren’t prepared to sustain this workload, please let your tutor know immediately. 

6. Let us know if you’d like a referral to some of our favorite admissions consultants

If you’re thinking about admissions and would like a referral to some of our favorite admissions consultants, you can either speak to your tutor or contact us through this form. While some of these recommendations are from our MBA admissions consulting team, there are several from other companies we trust and work with regularly.

(And no, we never receive commissions or kickbacks from any of these consultants. We just like them.)

Thank you, and have fun studying!