Practice like you play: GMAT Test Day Audio Script
Let’s say you’ve studied every quant topic, you’re confident in your verbal technique, and your practice tests are going well. Despite all of this, you’re still nervous about taking your official GMAT test. Will you be able to hold it together when you get to the test center?
These kinds of doubts are completely natural and normal. Even professional athletes at the top of their game get nervous before stepping onto the court!
So, what can you do to prepare yourself for test day pressure?
One option is to simulate this pressure by making your practice tests as realistic as possible. The audio script linked below, created by Mental Performance Expert Jen Schumacher, will help you visualize arriving at the test center, going through the check-in process, and starting your official test.
Right before your next practice test, give it a listen and immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and feelings of taking the GMAT at a test center. On test day, you’ll know that you’ve prepared yourself for the test day experience.
Want to learn more about test anxiety on exams like the GMAT, GRE, EA, or LSAT®?
- Take our 10-minute Test Anxiety & Performance Quiz to help you understand the factors that contribute to test anxiety
- Our test anxiety and performance video series
- More test anxiety and performance articles
- Yes, even GMAT tutors get test anxiety
- Learn more about our mental skills coach and our mindfulness coach