Test Anxiety Strategies & Tips

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Tips & Strategies for Overcoming Test Anxiety

If you want to achieve your best possible score on the GMAT, GRE, or EA, odds are good that you’ll need to do more than just learn math or practice reading. A disturbingly large proportion of test-takers score far lower on their actual exam than on their practice exams, and those test-day declines are often caused by test-takers’ failure to thoroughly optimize their mindset, physical health, and mental health.

This collection of articles focuses on test anxiety and other performance-related issues. They will help you understand and address your test anxiety, or simply help you to perform at your very best when it matters most.

test anxiety Basics

Want to understand the factors that tend to fuel test anxiety, or the specific factors that lead to your own test-day jitters? Try our quiz, or check out our articles to understand the foundations of test anxiety.

Mindfulness & mental performance

These articles discuss methods for increasing mental performance so that you can reap the benefits of all of those truly thrilling hours spent studying for the GMAT, GRE, EA, or other exams.

Health & Test Taking

Believe it or not: getting off your butt and away from your desk can actually improve your test-day performance. You know… when done in moderation.

Even Tutors get anxious sometimes

We hate to say it, but tutors aren’t perfect. We’re actually human. (Gasp!) Even experienced, expert test-prep tutors struggle with test anxiety — sometimes mightily. Check out these articles to understand how our tutors overcame their own test-day jitters.