Executive Assessment Articles
Although it’s not quite as popular as the GMAT or the GRE, the Executive Assessment (EA) is growing in relevance as an MBA admissions test. It is already widely accepted for EMBA and part-time MBA programs, and it’s starting to gain traction among full-time programs, too. So if your target programs accept the EA, it might be a great fit, especially if you love the idea of taking a 90-minute exam.
The EA uses nearly the same questions as the GMAT, and our test-prep advice is often similar for both exams. This collection of articles features all of our content that might help you on your EA journey — even if a few of the articles refer primarily to the GMAT.
Executive assessment Basics
Have no idea what the EA is or how it works? No worries. These articles cover over all the basics that you need to know about the exam.
EA Verbal Articles
We have served as GMAT Club’s resident verbal experts for nearly a decade, and we might have spent more time honing our GMAT and EA verbal curriculum than any other test prep company on the planet. These articles feature our best advice for the EA verbal section.
EA Quant Articles
Feeling rusty on the type of math that you’ll see on the EA? Our articles will help you understand how to shape your mindset to maximize your performance on the EA quant section.
How to improve on the EA
If you’re just starting your EA prep, you might not know where to start, or how to optimize your approach to the exam. These articles will help you move your EA score in the right direction.
Anxiety & Performance
Unfortunately, test anxiety can drag down the scores of even the most talented and well-prepared EA test-takers. Our test anxiety quiz and articles will help you understand the factors that contribute to test anxiety, as well as ways to mitigate your test-day jitters.