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Harry Duthie, GMAT, GRE, & EA tutor

Harry is a Scotland-based former semipro rugby player with a 770 on the GMAT. He has been known to tackle or bench-press students who fail to complete their GMAT, LSAT, or GRE homework

Learn more about Harry Duthie Edinburgh, our Scotland based GMAT and GRE tutor. He will help push you towards your goal of success!

Harry first developed a passion for tutoring as an undergraduate mathematics major at St. Andrews University in Scotland, where he coached his fellow students in both math and weightlifting.

After trying his hand as an engineer and technical consultant in the oil industry, he returned to teaching in 2015 as a mathematics instructor and rugby coach at a top-tier Edinburgh boarding school, where he often led student trips to far-flung places like Nepal, Madagascar, and Arunachal Pradesh in India.

During his time as a school teacher, Harry mastered the art of inspiring students to push themselves, combining sky-high standards with a warm, welcoming classroom presence. Since becoming a GRE and GMAT tutor, Harry has shown a particularly deft touch with his GMAT verbal students, and he has a remarkable ability to cut to the heart of his students’ struggles on critical reasoning and reading comprehension – not just his traditional wheelhouse of mathematics.

In his spare time, Harry is a passionate traveler and athlete, and he’s still looking for the right activity to replace rugby after a few too many concussions ended his playing career. If you’re in Scotland, you might see him cycling around the streets of Edinburgh, and he also enjoys reading, long walks on the beach behind his flat, and eating enormous quantities of any food available.

Our favorite review of Harry’s tutoring:

“By the 2nd or 3rd session Harry had basically hacked my brain – or at least my GMAT thought process. He understood both my potential and my shortcomings, and, based on this understanding, he gave me advice about how to approach the homework problems and the test.

I know that it would have not have been possible for me to reach a 760(49Q/47V as a non-native) on my own. For that and for putting up with my stubbornness, I want to thank you Harry.”

For the full story, check out our Yelp page. More reviews of all of GMAT Ninja’s tutors can be found on our reviews page.