Test Anxiety & Performance Quiz

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Test Anxiety & Performance Quiz 

Find Out What Really Stands Between You and Your Goal on Standardized Tests

Do you struggle with test anxiety when you take exams like the GMAT, GRE, EA, or LSAT? 

Does a lack of mental resilience, sufficient sleep, proper nutrition, or physical fitness negatively affect your test-day performance? 

Do you have a hard time staying focused when you take standardized tests, and you’re not sure what to do about it?

Take our Test Anxiety & Performance Quiz to find out what really holds you back on test day. This 10-minute assessment can help you understand the five main “non-academic” factors that stand between you and your optimal score on tests such as the GMAT, GRE, EA, or LSAT.

After you take the quiz, we’ll send you an email with your scores, along with resources for interpreting your results and improving your test-day performance. Don’t worry: we NEVER use your email address for any purpose other than sending your results to you.