Tips & Strategies for Overcoming Test Anxiety

There are a ton of other factors that go into your test-day performance. Even the most well-practiced students can fall apart on test day because they ignored their mental or physical health.

These articles deal with test anxiety and other performance-related issues. They will help you get on track to managing and overcoming your test anxiety. If you feel alone in your struggles, don’t worry: even our brilliant, beautiful tutors have their own problems.


These articles explain what test anxiety is and how it might affect your test performance (hint: negatively).

beginners guide to test anxiety

Test Anxiety Quiz

Test Anxiety Quiz Basics

Mindfulness & mental performance

These articles discuss methods for increasing mental performance so that you can reap the benefits of all of those truly thrilling hours spent studying test material.

how mindfulness can help improve your score

Mental Performance Coach Q & A

mindfulness coach q & A

Health & Test Taking

Believe it or not: getting off your butt and away from your desk can actually improve your test performance. You know… when done in moderation.

How exercising can boost your test score

nutrition coach

Q & A

fitness coach

Q & A

Even Tutors can get anxious sometimes

We hate to say it, but tutors aren’t perfect. We’re actually human. (Gasp!) Even experts struggle with anxiety; here’s how our tutors deal with it.

tutors struggle with test anxiety part I

tutors struggle with test anxiety part II

Tutors struggle with test anxiety part III